Monday, August 25, 2008

Ai Yu Bing ( 爱玉冰 - 噢桥 )

Ohqio ( 噢桥) or Ai Yu Bing (爱玉冰 ) is a tasty healty natural jelly. It's a famous dessert from Taiwan. But one can hardly get it from Penang food stall. Ai Yu is a kind of fig and its scientific name is Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang, a member of the fig family. The plant is sometimes grown in close proximity to Betel nut palms thus providing a tall trunk, which the fig uses as a support to climb.

The only stall that sells Ai Yu Bing in Penang.
But sometimes you can get it from Pasar Malam.

Afternoon : Opposite Chew Jetty together with Curry Mee and Laksa stall.
Night : Along the Chulia Street with the famous Wan Tan Mee and Curry Mee

The pure Ai Yu in the pail.

Perfect match with lemon and lychee.

Plus cold ice-blended and Ai Yu ........... HOJIAK!!!!!!!!!!!!

A refreshing dessert that keeps the fever away.


  1. Anonymous11:41 pm

    Oh yes, I have bought this newly discovered jelly in a packet. Actually not cheap and they market it as a health product. Supposed to clean your guts...but taste wise not bad but I have not touched it yet.

  2. hi jencooks,
    thanks for your information:)
    plz update if u've try it. waiting to hear from u soon...arigatoo gozaimasu:)

  3. nice!! I also want to find this in Penang!!:)

  4. Hey, waited for your new blog quite sometime ... finally see your posting now.

  5. Hi, you long time never update the blog. Finally see your latest posting :)

  6. I heard about it before from my friend. Now i hv the chance to look at it =) LOLx. Muz go dig out next time

  7. 這家真的好吃﹗﹗我去吃過^^很像台灣的

  8. angelstar,
    yeah...u must check it out:)

    thanks for your support...been quite busy nowadays:)

    yes...go and have a try...very refreshing and cooling:)

    faye fly,
    yes...totally agree with u:)

  9. I like this "Ai Yu Bing" but i have been long time dint eat it...I`ll find some day go to eat...when the day very hot go to eat "Ai Yu Bing" feel very very nice ooo.....^^

  10. Oh ya! Ai Yu Bing! I really love to have it. I used to have it in Sabah when i was in Primary School. Every day after school, me and my school mates will climb up to a small little dessert track and wait for the uncle to serve us a big cup of Ai Yu Bing. I can still remember how it tasted like! But since that, Ai Yu Bing never appear in my life again :(...
    I want to look for it when i go to Penang!

  11. Never heard of this dessert before. Will try it when I'm back to Penang. Thanks for sharing.

  12. it is taste.....but i don't know where is it......
