Monday, August 31, 2009

Perak Lane Char Koay Teow

The Char Koay Teow that can satisfy me enough is this Perak Lane Char Koay Teow. Its operation hour is from 2.00pm till 5.30 pm (not too sure).
Opposite this Char Koay Teow stall is a famous Penang Assam Laksa that you must try.

Perak Lane Char Koay Teow that fried with charcoal.

Wrap with banana leaves , nice and more fragrant.

Location map for Perak Lane Char Koay Teow

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  1. thinking of CKT make me hungry lor!!.where can I find charcoal CKT here??."sob sob"

  2. Anonymous10:12 pm

    We love food too, just like u! I've listed your blog in my blogroll for other food lovers who love to discover new eating haunts!

  3. so many big prawns in there!
