Thursday, June 14, 2007

Shark Fin Soup (煲仔翅)

It has been a long time since I last update my blog. I would still like to share my experience with all of you. Life has been quite busy lately. Blogging is something extra in my life, so I will not make myself tired while blogging, blogging should be very enjoyable. To those who are still regularly visiting my blog, I would like to thank you all from bottom of my heart. I appreciate it very much! THANK YOU!

It is not hard to make a Shark Fin Soup, but I'm not using real Shark Fin not just because it's expensive but also the matter of the sharks' populations which have declined by 90%. They cut of the fin and then throw the rest of the shark back into the sea because it has less value.

Sometimes I will put Japanese Tang Hoon (Glass Noodle), which looks like fake Shark Fin. The most important thing for this dish is the soup, some people will use chicken soup as base. As for me, I used instant method. Put dried squid head and some Oyster Sauce as soup base, and THE SECRET is to put Shao Xing Wine. (绍兴酒)
My friends always asked me how to make the soup as thick as the one served in restaurant. Well, it is simple and there are TWO METHODS. You can either use Water Chestnut Powder (马蹄粉) , but this Water Chestnut Powder is not easy to get in ordinary shop, or you can try Sweet Potato Flour (木薯粉) mix with Corn Flour (玉蜀黍粉).

After the soup thicken, you can mix with an egg, then serve with 賽螃蟹(Choy Pong Hai) (my previous post)

For sure must put few drops of Vinegar.

Any questions will be happily answered. :)


  1. Anonymous9:37 pm

    hmm ... I will have to try it out but I will put crab meat instead or even prawn meat.

  2. will surely taste better..
    but u can also try the choy pong hai..the taste is almost the same as crab meat :)

  3. Wow!!! You've been 'silent' for many months..... good to see you back again with all your pics...

  4. Anonymous11:13 pm

    i try it b4.its really tasty

  5. new kid on the blog, quite busy with workload few months back...
    anyway, thanks for ur support!:)

    hehehe...thank you:)
    cook for u again the next time u're here;)

  6. Anonymous6:33 am

    That looks great. I may make it this weekend!

  7. Anonymous6:28 pm

    very interesting, thanks
