Friday, January 05, 2007

Vegetarian Recipe : Cheese Coated Chicken Plus Ham

Vegetarian Recipe : Cheese Coated Chicken Plus Ham
This idea came from Chicken Cordon Blue, it also has chicken, cheese and ham. Because I do not have the skill to make Chicken Cordon Blue for vegetarian, so I make it easier and just deep fried the vegetarian chicken coated with a piece of cheedar cheese. Then I just put a vegetarian ham on it. Last but not least, to make it perfect, just add hot black pepper sauce on it. Yummy while the cheedar cheese melted. A pretty easy vegetarian western food ready to serve!

Tips : To make the broccoli look greenly, put some sugar while boiling.


  1. Anonymous12:06 pm

    wow...yum yum...cordon fav...lau nua(salivating) liao..hahaha...but never tried the vegetarian 1 before...when u free cook for me ah...hehe...^^ to make the black pepper sauce ar?...

  2. Thanks Ruby, maybe while I open a restaurant, you will be my first customer to try out my Chicken Cordon Bleu.

  3. Wow, this is vegetarian...I can't tell at all!! Good job!!

  4. Anonymous5:19 pm

    cheese consider vegetarian? i'm blur about that leh

  5. If a real vegan sure cannot take cheese, they need to take another type of cheese which made from plant, but if lacto-ovo vegetarian then can.

    A lacto-ovo vegetarian is a vegetarian who is willing to consume dairy products (i.e. milk and its derivatives, like cheese, butter, or yogurt) and eggs. Lacto means "milk" and ovo means "egg".

  6. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Does vegetarian ham taste like real ham? (I assume you are not a vegetarian since I saw seafood pictures in your previous posts)

  7. Simcooks,
    It does not taste really like ham but it tasted very good as well if u grill it with butter.

    I'm not a vegetarian but my gf's mum is.

  8. Anonymous3:51 pm


  9. I spend most of my time trying to convert classic Asian recipes to vegetarian versions, it's very interesting to see someone who grew up with Asian cuisine do the same thing, but instead adapting Western dishes to vegetarian (which I honestly don't do enough of...).

    If you're interested in a Westerner's vegetarian interpretation of some classic Asian dishes, check out my Asian vegetarian recipe blog.

    Have a good one!
